Through the Old Testament in a Year

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Micah 6 – Call to repentance

Our Lord Jesus Christ has shown us what is good by his own life of acting justly, loving mercy and walking humbly with his Father God. He calls us to follow him.

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This morning's passage takes the form of a courtroom drama. The Lord is bringing an accusation of unfaithfulness against his people and is calling upon them to answer his charge. The mountains and hills are called to act as witnesses in this drama (6:1-2).

The Lord reminds Israel of how he redeemed them from slavery in Egypt and brought them to this good land. When Balak king of Moab plotted against them and hired the prophet Balaam to curse them, God caused him to bless them instead (6:5). God had been gracious and good towards Israel in their poverty and need. But they have failed to respond to his kindness.

Micah voices Israel's response. What shall his people do to show their gratitude to God for all his many blessings? How about animal sacrifices? (6:6), or if these are not enough, what about offering their firstborn children as sacrifices to the Lord as was the practice of some of the other nations who inhabited the land before them? (6:7). Micah then answers the people with these well-known words:

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
    And what does the LORD require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. (6:8)

God is not looking for religious ritual, let alone child sacrifice. He wants his people to live upright and godly lives, showing compassion towards others and a humble spirit before God. He wants them to reflect his own gracious character and the pattern of his dealings with them.

The verses that follow underline the relevance of this call, for the conduct of his people is far from reflecting the call of God on their lives. They are cheating one another by using false scales and weights when selling goods (6:11). The rich are oppressing the poor with violence and lying about their conduct when the oppressed seek justice (6:12). For this, God will bring them to judgment: their harvests will fail and the nation will be brought to ruin (6:13-16).

What does the Lord require of us? All too often, our neglect or exploitative treatment of the poor of this world goes on out of our sight and so escapes our notice. Unfair systems of international trade exploit lax working conditions and low wages of people in third-world countries to provide us with cheap goods at their expense. How can we act to make a difference in such situations?

Inspired by Micah 6:8, the Micah Challenge was formed in 2005 as a global coalition of Christian organisations seeking to mobilise Christians against poverty and to hold governments to account for their promise to halve extreme poverty by 2015 (a promise made in the Millennium Development Goals). Success has been partial and patchy but not insignificant. Nevertheless, many in this world still live in poverty and the gap between rich and poor seems to be growing ever wider.

In the light of these things, what does the Lord require of you – and of me? In practical terms, how does our behaviour need to change if we are to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with our God in every aspect of our daily lives? We need to ask such questions when making purchases, whether in shops or online. We need to ask how we are using the good things that God has given us to serve his purposes in this world rather than serving ourselves.

Above all, these verses point us to the Lord Jesus Christ who left the riches of glory to assume the poverty of a life in which he had nowhere to lay his head. He has shown us what is good by his own life of acting justly, loving mercy and walking humbly with his Father God. He calls us to follow him.

Father God, make us aware of the needs and conditions suffered by others across your world. Make us sensitive to the call of Christ and to the promptings of your Spirit. Turn us from the idolatry of greed that seeks to perpetuate our comforts at the expense of others. Give us a heart of compassion for the poor and a passion for justice that reflects that of Jesus our Lord.


Peter Misselbrook