Peter Misselbrook's Blog
Mar 7 2020 - Acts 13:16-41 – A heart to do God’s will

Paul and Barnabas were invited to speak at the synagogue in Pisidian Antioch (not to be confused with the Antioch in Syria which was their sending church). Paul recounted the story of God's dealings with Israel, as Stephen had done in Jerusalem. Though Paul had colluded in Stephen's death, something of Stephen's message seems to have made a lasting impression on him.

It’s easy to make quick judgments about people based on their immediate response to the good news about Jesus. We need to remember that seeds may have been sown that the Spirit of God can protect and nurture and bring to fruit in due course. Don’t give up praying for those to whom you have spoken of Christ.

Paul emphasises that his namesake and fellow Benjaminite, King Saul, was the king the Israelites had asked for. They had not been content for God to lead them through the instruction of his prophets; they had wanted a king like the other nations around about them, and in Saul this is exactly what they got. By way of contrast, David was the king raised up by God; God had found in David "a man after my own heart who will do all that I want."

David’s heart is disclosed through his many psalms. He had a clear love for the Lord whom he views as his Shepherd, his rock, his stronghold, his joy, his delight, the ground of his hope and the source of his confidence. He had a deep reverence for God’s word and a desire to govern the Israelites in a way that reflected God’s own government of his people.

Nevertheless, David was only mortal. He died and was buried and that was the end of his story. But God raised up from his descendants the Saviour, Jesus Christ. Though he was put to death and buried, God raised him from the dead and has given him David's throne. He is the one who fulfils all that was spoken by the prophets. Full and free forgiveness of sin is given through him in a way that had not been available before and is not available through anyone else.

Paul emphasises that the Jewish leaders in Jerusalem rejected Jesus and delivered him over to be crucified. All of this fulfilled what the prophets had written beforehand. Paul urges his listeners not to join those leaders in fulfilling the words of the prophets. They spoke strong words about those who scoff at the remarkable things that God is going to do.

The phrase I found particularly striking this morning was the description of David as one who will do all that God wants of him. Despite this commendation from God, David failed to be all that he should have been – most notably in the incident with Bathsheba. But this description is entirely true of Jesus, one whose whole delight was to do the Father's will – even though it took him to the cross. Jesus could say that he had fully completed the work that the Father had given him to do.

And this should also be the mark of those who follow him. The heart that God found imperfectly in David, a reflection of his own heart, is seen in all its perfection in Jesus Christ. That should be the heart God finds in us – a heart that beats in tune with the Father and longs only to please him.

Father God, give me the heart you found in David. No, rather, give me the heart of Jesus, David's greater son. Give me a heart devoted to doing your will, no matter the cost. May I delight in pleasing you and completing the work you have given me to do.


Mar 7 2019 - Exodus 34:1-14, 29-35 – Reflected glory

Once again Moses has to climb Mount Sinai to meet with God. Again he receives the covenant Law – the Ten Commandments – written on tablets of stone. And again Moses pleads that God may have mercy on this stiff-necked people, forgiving their sin and bringing them into the inheritance he has promised them. In response, God declares that he will do such great things for his people that the watching nations will stand in awe of Israel's God. God is very great, but he is also very good.

There is only one adequate response to such a God, "Moses bowed to the ground at once and worshipped" (v.8).

For their part, the Israelites are to remember how God brought them out of slavery in Egypt. They are to remain faithful to their incomparable God; they must not adopt the worthless idol-gods of the nations whom they will dispossess. Israel is to be a light to the nations rather than embracing the darkness. We shall see how this calling plays out in the remainder of the Old Testament.

When Moses had previously come down the mountain after meeting with God he was amazed and angered at what the Israelites had got up to. This time, when he came down the mountain it is the people who are amazed at what they see and are filled with fear; Moses' face was radiant with the reflected glory of God. "The last time he came down from the mount with the glory of a magistrate, to frown upon and chastise Israel’s idolatry; now with the glory of an angel, with tidings of peace and reconciliation." (Matthew Henry).

We are reminded of the occasion when Jesus was on a mountain with Peter, James and John. Jesus was talking with Moses and Elijah on that mountaintop when he was transformed before them, "the appearance of his face changed, and his clothes became as bright as a flash of lightning" (Luke 9:29). Peter, James and John saw Jesus' glory (Luke 9:32), a glory that many who saw Jesus during his earthly ministry failed to recognise.

Moses had to put a veil over his face to hide the reflected glory of God from the terrified Israelites. Only when he went into the Tent of Meeting to talk with the Lord would Moses remove the veil from his face. This was but the beginning of the fulfilment of the promise God had made to Moses in the mountain, "I am making a covenant with you. Before all your people I will do wonders never before done in any nation in all the world. The people you live among will see how awesome is the work that I, the Lord, will do for you" (v. 10).

The Apostle Paul refers to this strange incident when speaking of God's ultimate revelation of his glory in Christ (see 2 Corinthians 3:7-4:6). He writes that the same veil hides the glory of God from fellow Israelites of his day when they read the Law. But the veil is removed when anyone turns to Christ. Jesus Christ is the one in whom God has come to meet us and dwell among us. Looking at him we clearly see the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus. As God continually meets with us in Jesus, we see more of his glory and are transformed into his likeness "from one degree of glory to another". So we come to reflect the glory of God and the world around us is able to see the glory of the Living God in the lives of his redeemed people.

Can those around us see something of the character and glory of our God in us?

Glorious God, help us to live in your presence, see more of your glory in the Lord Jesus Christ and be made more like him by the transforming work of your Spirit. May your glory become our glory. May others see the beauty and glory of God shining through the broken lives of your people and be drawn to the Lord Jesus. Great God, shine in the darkness and let there be light; fill the whole earth with your glory.


Peter Misselbrook