Peter Misselbrook's Blog
Nov 25 2019 - Zechariah 6 – Chariots and a crown

This first part of this chapter contains another vision (vv. 1-8). In it Zechariah sees four chariots. Chariots were familiar to Zechariah and his contemporaries as symbols of military power and of warfare. Zechariah is told that, "These are the four spirits [or winds] of heaven, going out from standing in the presence of the Lord of the whole world… they were straining to go throughout the earth. And he said, ‘Go throughout the earth!’ So they went throughout the earth." (vv. 5,7).

Zerubbabel has been given the task of completing the rebuilding of the temple. But he knows that there are many who want to prevent the temple being built and whose interference in the past has brought the building to a halt. He is probably fearful that this may happen again and, in particular, that the Persian Empire to the north may again change its attitude to the rebuilding project. Zechariah is given this vision to reassure Zerubbabel that the Lord God, who has commissioned him to build the temple, is sovereign over all the earth. There is no power in any of the nations around them that is not subject to the living God and is not answerable to him. In particular, the assurance is given, "Look, those going towards the north country have given my Spirit rest in the land of the north" (v. 8). The powerful empires to the north will not be a threat to God's people.

This vision speaks to us of God's purpose to establish his kingdom in this world; to redeem for himself a people from every nation under heaven. He has called us to be his agents in building and extending his kingdom. We may feel inadequate to the task and fearful of opposition, but the Lord assures us that he is sovereign over all the world and that our Lord Jesus is King of kings and Lord of lords. We may face all manner of opposition but we may be sure that God's kingdom will come. We need eyes to see the fiery chariots and horses of our God (see 2 Kings 6:17), and to know that "the one who is in [us] is greater than the one who is in the world" (1 John 4:4). We need such encouragement to go on building in the assurance that "our labour is not in vain in the Lord."

The second half of the chapter concerns a crown which is to be made for Joshua the high priest. Three exiles recently returned from Babylon have brought with them gifts of silver and gold – presumably from Jews still living in Babylon. This is taken to the house of a man named Josiah and made into a crown which is then placed on the head of Joshua as if he were a king. But it is then taken removed and entrusted again to the exiles who had brought the gold and silver. Joshua is not a king, but his wearing of the crown is symbolic of one still to come; he symbolises "the Branch".

We came across prophecy concerning the Branch in chapter 3 where Joshua symbolised the Branch in his High Priestly role of removing sin from the people of God. Here he symbolises the Branch in his exalted kingly role:

Here is the man whose name is the Branch, and he will branch out from his place and build the temple of the Lord. It is he who will build the temple of the Lord, and he will be clothed with majesty and will sit and rule on his throne. And he will be a priest on his throne. And there will be harmony between the two. (vv. 12-13)

The Branch is the Lord Jesus who removes our sin through his sacrifice of himself. He is both our exalted High Priest in the heavens and also God's anointed King who is extending his kingdom over all the world. These two roles of priest and king were never found in one person within Israel, but are united in Christ. Barry Webb writes, "Jesus' bold claim 'I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it', was in effect an announcement that he was the Branch, the Messiah of whom Zechariah had spoken, and therefore the one whom the whole book of Zechariah is about!"

Father God, we thank you for our Lord Jesus, our priest, our sacrifice, our risen and reigning King and Lord. Help us not to be afraid of the task you have entrusted to us in building your kingdom but to be strong in the strength which your Spirit supplies, knowing that "the one who is in [us] is greater than the one who is in the world."


Nov 25 2020 - John 17:1-26 – That the world may know...

John 17 records Jesus’ wonderful prayer for his disciples. This perhaps has the better right to be called the Lord’s Prayer. The model prayer recorded in Matthew 6 and Luke 11 was a prayer for disciples to pray; this is the Lord’s own prayer for himself and his disciples.

The prayer falls broadly into three parts. In the first part, verses 1-5, Jesus prays for himself. He is on the eve of his crucifixion and prays that just as he has brought glory to the Father by obedience to all that the Father gave him to do, so now the Father will glorify him. Jesus looks beyond the cross with its agony and shame to his resurrection and return to the Father.

But even in the middle of this section, Jesus’ focus is also upon his disciples. Jesus thanks the Father for giving him authority over all the world, an authority that he will use to give eternal life to all who come to him. He continues, “And this is eternal life: that they might know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent" (17:3). God is glorified, his purposes are fulfilled, as people come to know him through the Lord Jesus Christ and live under his rule. It is for this that we were made. Jesus brings glory to the Father in restoring creation to its designed purpose.

Secondly, Jesus prays for his disciples – for the eleven who were with him (17:6-19). He is about to return to the Father and will no longer be with them in the same way as he has been. He prays that they will be protected from the evil one. He has spoken to them the words given to him from the Father. He prays that they will now be sanctified by this word of truth – set apart by it for holy purpose. He prays that it might animate their lives and make them single-minded in continuing his mission to the world (see v.18) – that they might now speak the words that he has given them.

Lastly, he prays for all who will believe through their testimony – he prays for us (17:20-26). Jesus prays that all who come to believe in him may be one so that the world may believe that he was sent by the Father. The one flock will bear witness to the one Shepherd.

The unity of Jesus’ disciples is a reflection of the unity between Jesus and his Father. Jesus and the Father are one in heart and mind and purpose for they have a shared life; they live in each other. Jesus prays that his followers may live in close communion with him. As with the picture of the vine and the branches (John 15), his disciples are to live in him and he in them. In this way, they participate in the very life of God (see 17:22-23). And by participating in the life of God, they/we participate in the purpose of God.

It is as the life of Jesus, and love of God seen in Jesus, shape the life of his followers (17:26) that they become visibly different from the world in which they live. They become one people in the sense that they stand out from the world around them, recognisable by the world (see 13.35). Their lives become a witness to the world concerning the person, mission and glory of Jesus.

This prayer is often referred to as Jesus’ High Priestly prayer. Ascended to the right hand of the Father he continues to intercede for his people, praying that they will be faithful to his mission and that through their shared life and witness all the world might come to know him.

Lord Jesus, forgive us that we, your people, are so often divided and preoccupied with fighting among ourselves. Help us to have a shared vision of your purposes for this world. You gave your life for the mending of this world; help us to give ourselves to its healing as we proclaim that you are Lord. May the world come to know you.


Peter Misselbrook