Peter Misselbrook's Blog
Apr 9 2020 - 1 Corinthians 8:1-13 – Knowing God

“Knowledge leads to arrogance whereas love builds others up” says Paul at the beginning of 1 Corinthians 8. Some Christians in Corinth seem to have argued that since there is only one God, idols are of utterly no significance. They proudly paraded their knowledge by joining in feasts in idol temples and seem to have been encouraging others to join them. Their conduct was damaging the faith of others; they are wounding and destroying others for whom Christ died.

Paul condemns such behaviour. Their theology of idols may be correct, but their conduct demonstrates that they have failed to understand the gospel with its focus in a crucified Lord. They are too keen on their own rights, loudly insisting on what they have the power to do rather than being concerned for others. They need to learn the lesson of love; love which is always concerned for the other; love which builds up and does not tear down.

Theology has become a bit of a dirty word in contemporary society. The term can be used to trash the arguments of an opponent as ‘just so much theology’ – meaning that it is pointless theory, like arguing over the number of angels that can dance on the head of a pin. But in his book, Christ, the Meaning of History, Hendrikus Berkhof writes that theology is a form of loving God with the mind. God calls us to understand the things he has revealed in his word, but not with the cold and proud grasp of logic but with the devotion of our hearts – with wonder, love and praise.

To know God is to know the love he has displayed for us in Christ. God has displayed his wisdom and power not in a crushing display of his glory but in the broken body of a crucified Saviour. To know God is to know him as self-giving love. Such knowledge transforms us into the likeness of his Son. It cannot make us proud to display our superior knowledge before others; it will break us and humble us and will empower us to love and serve others, just as Christ gave himself entirely for others – for us.

We see this pattern in the life of the apostle Paul. He had once been a leading member of the Pharisees, proud of his understanding of the Scriptures and determined to crush those whose views were not in line with his own. But then he met the Lord Jesus Christ and was transformed by that encounter. The love of Christ now shapes his life, making him ready to forego anything that could be a barrier to making Christ known; “if what I eat causes my brother or sister to fall into sin, I will never eat meat again, so that I will not cause them to fall” (1 Corinthians 8:13).

Have we so learnt Christ? Are there times when we are more concerned to win an argument than to encourage a brother or sister in devotion to Christ? Proud knowledge is both ugly and toxic; it can damage your health – and that of those around you who breathe it in.

Father God, forgive me that there are times when I can be proud in my pretended knowledge of you and look down on those who do not yet understand things as I do. In this I confess that I do not know you at all. Help me to learn more of Christ and to be transformed into his likeness. Help me to love you with my mind and to serve you with all that I am and have. Help me by your Spirit to follow Christ and give myself to the service and blessing of others.


Peter Misselbrook